The Global Fund – Uganda Monthly Performance Review meeting was held earlier this month at the Ministry of Health headquarters in Kampala. The meeting sought to review the operations of the Global Fund Grant, with the intention of improving programme implementation of the three disease areas (HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria) and Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health (RSSH). At a specific level, the meeting sought to provide, among others, Grant closure updates, implementation Readiness, which includes implementation and procurement plans and progress updates on Sub-Recipient on-boarding.
In her remarks, the Health Ministry Permanent Secretary, appreciated all participants for their efforts during the New Funding Model (NFM 3) and urged the team to ensure that ending pending actions from the previous Grant are successfully executed. She said talked about the need to improve the processes during the coming new Grant Cycle 7 in order to improve the overall efficiencies of the Grant. “A procurement improvement plan will be developed, signed and shared with the GF Uganda country team…in order to improve our procurement process,” she said.
She said that there is need for capacity building of contract managers even as she challenged contract managers to improve their proactivity and efficiency levels.
In regard to Grant closure, Dr Atwine added that there is need to have an end of grant closure report from every Grant and this should include all aspects of the Grant.
In his remarks, the Global Fund National Facilitator, Dr Damian Rutaazana appreciated participants for their efforts in the implementation of the past Grant – NFM 3 and he urged the team to build on the strength of the previous Grant in order to improve the performance of the new Grant – Grant Cycle 7.