According to the Annual Health Sector Performance Report (AHSPR), the sector made good progress toward achieving its targets for the Financial Year 2022/23. The sector achieved 50% and made some progress in 20% of the Key Result Area indicators. The sector also achieved 46% and made progress in 8% of the outcome indicators. According to the report, the major factors leading to non-achievement of the outcome indicators were lack/inadequate funding, challenges in the distribution of Essential Medicines and Health Supplies (EMHS) leading to reduced availability at health facilities, low uptake of some public health interventions due to low-risk perception by the community, and ambitious targets which were set for some indicators.
Disease Burden
In regard to the disease burden, neonatal conditions are now the leading cause of health facility deaths among all ages accounting for 10.3%. This is followed by malaria at 7.4%. Pneumonia at 5.3%, Anaemia (3.9%); RTIs due to motorcycles and vehicles (2.3%); and septicemia. According to the report, despite the increase in the malaria incidence from 302/1000 to 317/1000 population, and the increase in malaria admissions by 16.6%, the number of malaria deaths reported reduced by 15% from 5,017 to 4,245. This may be attributed to early detection and improved case management as well as Integrated Community Case Management (ICCM) for children under 5 years.
The Annual Health Sector Performance Report (AHSPR) for Financial Year (FY) 2022/23 was been compiled by the Ministry of Health (MoH) as an institutional Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) requirement. It documents the sector’s progress, challenges, and lessons learned and proposes ways of moving the health sector forward in relation to Uganda’s National Development Plan (NDP).
This Annual Health Sector Performance Report for Financial Year 2022/23, is the third during the National Development Plan (NDP) III period and it mainly focuses on the progress in the implementation of the health subprogram annual work plans FY 2022/23 based on the respective institutional 5-year Strategic Plans. The report was presented and discussed during the 29th Health Sector Joint Review Mission (JRM) from 1st to 2nd November 2023 and the recommendations will guide planning, programming, and budget allocation for the next Financial Year – 2024/25.
You can access the full ASHP Report here