Second TB Marathon takes step towards TB isolation ward construction 

The National TB and Leprosy programme under the ministry of Health recently held the second TB marathon in Kampala, on the morning of Sunday August 20th.

The funds raised from this year’s marathon will be used to construct a TB isolation ward at Iganga Hospital. This is expected to provide better care for TB patients and prevent further spread of the disease.

Speaking at the event, the NTLP Programme Mananager, Dr. Salvia Turyahabwe, said, “When we organize such events, what we want to address is making the disease known.”

“We think when we know about the disease, how it’s transmitted, and the signs and symptoms, we can then access the free services in this country. We should at least be concerned about our fellow Ugandans, because someone coughing today can lead to you coughing tomorrow. Let us be our brothers’ keepers,” Turyahabwe said.

Speaking at the same event the Director of Public Health in the Ministry of Health, Dr. Daniel Kyabayinze, said that the government of Uganda has put in place the necessary infrastructure to test and treat all people with tuberculosis.

“Both treatment and diagnosis are free at public facilities across the country. We also offer treatment to people who are at high risk of infection,” added Dr Kyabayinze.

According to Kyabayinze, the Ministry of Health has acquired 17 mobile digital X-ray machines and five mobile TB clinics to facilitate community-based screening.

Tuberculosis, is a national and global health concern for which the Ministry of Health together with partners, such as the Global Fund have made progress towards driving home the message about the dangers of the disease and the need to end it.

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