A recent study that conducted by one of the Global Fund Sub recipients in Uganda (PACE – Programme for Accessible health, Communication and Education) has revealed insights that are among others expected to improve net handling and care.
The study sought to assess the physical durability of five different brands of nets over a three-year period, estimate their survival and identify major determinants of field performance.
The study also sought to describe major behavioural aspects of net care and repair and their impact on physical durability and to assess the insecticidal effectiveness (residue and bio-assay) over three years of field use.
According to the study, positive attitudes towards net use were observed in 65.9% of the 800 households interviewed at baseline and 57.6% of the 708 households interviewed at the 24-month mark.
Relatedly, net care and repair attitudes were reported in 47.6% of the 800 households at baseline and increased to 56.9% of the 708 households at 24 months.
In terms of handling risks for Campaign ITNs, among the 1,254 accessed nets, issues such as; hanging unfurled (62%), washing with detergents (26.6%), and hanging on bushes or fences after the last wash (29.4%) increased, with rodents (57%) identified as the primary cause of net damage. These findings emphasize the importance of continuous SBCC beyond net distribution to promote proper net care and repair.
In light of these findings, the recommendation is to enhance Routine LLIN distribution with community involvement for sustained universal coverage, take advantage of interventions targeting the malaria fight at community level, for instance through schools, Antenatal care and Community Structures.
The other recommendations include educating communities about key risk factors that undermine LLINs, such as; Storing food & cooking in sleeping areas (attracting rodents), using detergents for washing LLINs and hanging nets on rough surfaces which leads to tearing.