National Funding Model IV Grant writing exercise in progress

The National Funding Model IV Global Fund Facility grant writing exercise kicked off in earnest last month. Spearheaded by the Country Coordinating mechanism for the Global Fund, the exercise commenced with a national dialogue on priorities for HIV, TB, Malaria and Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health (RSSH) for period 2024-2026. 

Participants at the dialogue included members of the Civil Society, the Global fund country team, the Funds Coordination Unit of the Global Fund Grants in Uganda and the Ministry of Health among others. 

The grant writing exercise is currently taking place at Hotel Africana. The current funding Model (NFM III) is scheduled to end in December 2023.

The exercise will play a key role in determining Global Fund allocations towards Uganda’s fight against HIV, TB and Malaria. Related funding support is also expected towards strengthening the Health system that is fighting the three disease. Uganda in partnership with the Global Fund has a lofty goal of ending HIV, TB and Malaria by 2030.    

Uganda has contributed a total of US$3.08 million to the Global Fund to date. The country pledged US$2 million for the Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment, covering 2020-2022. Uganda is both a donor to the Global Fund and an implementer of Global Fund-supported programs.

Participants at the recently concluded National Dialogue on priorities for TB, HV, Malaria and RSSH for the period 2024-2026 at Protea Hotel 

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