Global Fund Monthly Review meeting for August

The Monthly Performance review meeting of the Global Fund grants in Uganda was held on Tuesday, 22nd August 2023 at the Ministry of Health headquarters in Kampala. 

The meeting serves to assess and improve programme implementation of the three disease areas – HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria, in a bid to eradicate the diseases by 2030. The meeting also assessed progress of the National Long-Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets (LLIN) distribution campaign. 

The meeting was attended among others by the Health Ministry Permanent Secretary, Dr Diana Atwine together with officials from the Funds Coordination of the Global Fund grants at the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development.  

According to the Ministry of Health’s Aids Control Programme the current focus is to close out the HIV Grant implementation in Quarter II to enable smooth closure of the NFM3 Grant by the end o f the year. The programme is also keenly following up documentation of Covid-19 grant reprogramming, the equipping of ambulances and the completion of big-ticket procurements such as   incinerators and incinerator houses and oxygen plants and oxygen houses among others.    

On the National TB and Leprosy Control Programme (NTLP) front, there are a number of activities that are lined up. Some of them include the Annual TB conference/annual review, support to cross border TB activities, Quarterly mentorships and supervision, mentorship for Active Case Finding (ACF) at facilities and Quarterly data management meetings among others.     

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