The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria launched the Seventh Replenishment campaign at a virtual global health summit held on 23 February.
Speaking during the launch, the Chairman of the Global Fund Board Dr. Donald Kaberuka appreciated the Presidents of Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa, the DRC and Senegal for co-hosting the high-level Preparatory Meeting to launch the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment.
“This illustrates Africa’s strong engagement and partnership with the Global Fund. Today, they are calling on the world to join them in their determination to reach this ambitious goal to end HIV, TB and malaria by 2030 and build strong national health systems to respond to emerging pandemics,” said Dr Kaberuka.
According to the Global Fund’s Investment case, US$18 billion is needed to get back on track to end AIDS, TB and malaria, accelerate progress toward the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3 of “health and well-being for all” and universal health coverage, and strengthen pandemic preparedness.
According to the Global Fund, a successful Replenishment would enable the partnership to:
- Save 20 million lives between 2024 and 2026, reducing the mortality rate by 64% across the three diseases by 2026, relative to 2020 levels.
- Avert more than 450 million infections or cases, reducing the incidence rate by 58% across the three diseases by 2026, relative to 2020 levels.
- Reduce the death toll across the three diseases to 950,000 in 2026, down from 2.4 million in 2020, and from 4 million in 2005.
- Catalyze the scale-up of domestic investments of up to US$59 billion toward ending the three diseases and strengthening systems for health through co-financing requirements and technical assistance on health financing.
- Reinforce systems for health and pandemic preparedness by investing approximately US$6 billion to support health care workers; strengthen laboratories, diagnostic tools, supply chain management, information and financial systems; tackle antimicrobial resistance, including drug-resistant TB; reinforce community systems; and accelerate the shift toward patient-centered, differentiated models of care.
- Yield a return on investment of 1:31 with every dollar invested in fighting the three diseases resulting in US$31 in health gains and economic returns, further contributing to the achievement of the overall SDG agenda.
“In the face of the catastrophic impact of COVID-19 on the fight against HIV, TB and malaria, the choice is stark: We either increase funding, or we abandon hope of finally defeating these epidemics by 2030,” said Peter Sands, Executive Director of the Global Fund. “We must increase support to countries to build more resilient, sustainable and inclusive systems for health. This is crucial for ending HIV, TB and malaria, defeating COVID-19 and protecting people from future infectious disease threats around the world.”