FCU Statistics

The Global Fund currently has five core grants currently active in Uganda, with funding totaling up to US$602 million signed for 2021-2023. Our investments support strategic interventions designed to reduce some of the world’s highest burdens of HIV, tuberculosis (TB) and malaria, and overcome human rights-related barriers to testing and treatment.

Below are the documents





Year 2018

The Global Fund invests in interventions, organizations and programs that demonstrate the best value for money and the most effective reach.

Grant Goals

  • To reduce annual malaria deaths from 29 per 100,000 in 2013 to near zero;
  • To reduce malaria morbidity to 30 cases per 1000 population (80% reduction from 2013 levels); and
  • To reduce the malaria parasite prevalence to less than 7% (>85% reduction from the 2010 levels).

The Five (5) New Global Fund Grants Signed for Uganda to be implementation for Period 2018 – 2020

Disease ComponentGrant NameAmount (in USD $)Principal Recipient (PR)Catalytic Matching Funds components included in the total HIV and HIV/TB grants
HIVUGA-H-MoFPED$248,212,125MoFPED $2,641,461
TBUGA-T-MoFPED  $18,445,026MoFPED 
HIV/TBUGA-C-TASO  $21,106,146TASO $6,758,539
MalariaUGA-M-TASO  $14,969,534TASO 
TOTAL USD$ 478,043,197 
The above HIV Grant (MoFPED) and HIV/TB Grant (TASO) include the following HIV Catalytic Matching Funds:
HIV Prevention Programs for Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW)$5,000,000Split between MoFPED & TASO
Prevention Programs for Removing Human Rights-Related Barriers to Access to HIV Services$4,400,000Split between MoFPED & TASO

Total USD $9,400,000 approved for Uganda’s HIV Catalytic Investment Matching Funds

The above total Country grant portfolio includes an additional US Dollars $23,353,149 secured by the CCM, which was allocated to cover the unfunded HIV commodities priority interventions registered on Uganda’s Unfunded Quality Demand (UQD) Register of the Global Fund. The Global Fund Board approved the additional US Dollars US Dollars $23,353,149 for the HIV response and this was added to Uganda’s HIV grant UGA-H-MoFPED above.

Furthermore, Uganda was also allocated an additional US Dollars $5,500,000 secured by the CCM, which was allocated to cover funding gaps for priority TB control interventions registered on Uganda’s Unfunded Quality Demand (UQD) Register of the Global Fund. The Global Fund Board approved the additional US Dollars 5.5 Million for the TB response and this was added to Uganda’s TB grant UGA-T-MoFPED above.
Below are the documents;

UGA-T-MoFPED_Summary Budget_IMPP4_30-Aug-2017_GF

UGA-T-MOFPED_Grant Confirmation EXEC

UGA-M-TASO_Summary Budget_2018-2020

UGA-M-MoFPED_Summary Budget_IMPP2_Nov-2017_GF

UGA-M-MOFPED_Grant Confirmation EXEC

UGA-H-MoFPED_Summary Budget_ IMPP2_GF

UGA-H-MOFPED_Grant Confirmation EXEC

UGA-C-TASO_Summary Budget_2018-2020

Year 2015

This is to update on the Global Fund grants in Uganda and share with you Uganda’s final funding application concept notes submitted to the Global Fund for the following:

  1. New Malaria grant for Uganda – commenced on 1st January 2015
  2. Health & Community Systems Strengthening (HSS) components – awaiting approval by the Global Fund Board Grant Approvals Committee (GAC) in June 2015
  3. TB-HIV disease programme – awaiting approval by the Global Fund Board Grant Approvals Committee (GAC) in June 2015 Learn more

Below are the documents;

Integrated HSS Concept Note View UGA-S-2014 – 28May2015.pdf

Integrated TB-HIV Concept Note View UGA-C-2014 – 28May2015.pdf

Integrated Malaria Concept Note View UGA-M-2014 – 28May2015.pdf

UGA-M-MoFPED Signed Grant Agreement – 3Feb2015.pdf

UGA-M-TASO Signed Grant Agreement – 13Jan2015.pdf

Uganda HSS Concept Note 2014 – Funding Request Split by PR.pdf

Uganda Malaria Concept Note 2014 Final.pdf

Uganda TB-HIV Concept Note 2014 – Funding Request Split by PR.pdf

Uganda TB-HIV Concept Note 2014 Final.pdf

Access to Uganda’s Concept Note documents online:

All CCM members can access Uganda’s Malaria, HSS and TB-HIV concept note documents online at the Global Fund (GF) Grant Management Platform (GMP). This allows you to get information on the split of the funding application budget per module/intervention and by PR. We added your names and contact details to the Global Fund contact management database when you joined the Uganda CCM; so you should have received log-in details to enable you access the Grant Management Platform (GMP). The GF Grant Management Platform (GMP) can be accessed using the following link:


Please let us know if you have not received log-in details to enable you access the Global Fund Grant Management Platform (GMP) so we can follow this up with the relevant department at the Global Fund Secretariat