Global Fund Monthly Review meeting for August
The Monthly Performance review meeting of the Global Fund grants in Uganda was held on Tuesday, 22nd August 2023 at the Ministry of Health headquarters
The Monthly Performance review meeting of the Global Fund grants in Uganda was held on Tuesday, 22nd August 2023 at the Ministry of Health headquarters
Key results for the previous year (2021) in countries where the Global Fund invests include:For HIV: 23.3 million people received lifesaving antiretroviral therapy for HIV,
Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary, Dr. Diana Atwine speaking at the Sub-Recipients quarterly performance review meeting The Global Fund Sub Recipients quarterly performance review meeting
The Funds Coordination Unit (FCU) was set up in the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED) as the Principal Recipient (PR) to handle day-to-day oversight duties as they relate to the implementation of the Global Fund Grants.