Uganda launches Malaria Indicator Survey

The 2024-2025 Malaria Indicator Survey was launched today (29th November 2024) by the Minister of Health Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng, who was joined by other officials, including the FCU Coordinator Mr. Johnson Mutesigensi, the Director General of Health Services Dr. Charles Olaro, the UBOS ED Dr. Chris Mukiza and development partner representatives from the WHO and USAID, among others.

The Malaria Indicator Survey is intended to obtain national and sub-national estimates of the prevalence of malaria, its risk factors, indicators of program coverage, behavior, knowledge, and attitudes based on a nationally representative sample. 

The exercise will take about two months, and the preliminary results are expected to be released at least 3 months after the survey.

The survey is intended to obtain national and sub-national estimates of the prevalence of anemia and malaria, risk factors, and indicators of program coverage, behavior, knowledge, and attitudes based on a nationally representative sample.

The survey will be implemented by the MOH guided by the National Malaria Control Division (NMCD), Field implementation will be led by Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) while laboratory testing will be done by the National Health Laboratory Services/Central Public Health Laboratory.

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