Day: February 18, 2025

Global Fund Partnership Launches Investment Case for Eighth Replenishment

The Global Fund partnership has made remarkable progress in the fight against HIV, tuberculosis (TB) and malaria over the last two decades – saving 65 million lives and reducing the combined death rate from AIDS, TB and malaria by 63% since 2002.

But interconnected crises threaten those hard-won gains. If we don’t respond with the urgency that this moment demands, we risk reversing these lifesaving achievements. For our Eighth Replenishment, the Global Fund needs US$18 billion to save 23 million lives between 2027 and 2029, reduce the combined mortality rate by another 64%, relative to 2023 levels, and prevent around 400 million infections. It took the world 18 years to halve the combined death toll from AIDS, TB and malaria; with the right resources we can more than halve it again in only six years. Every life lost is one too many, but to be able to reduce the death toll from AIDS, TB and malaria from 2.3 million in 2023 to under 1 million in 2029 would be an immense achievement.

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