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Auto Painting & Collision Repair Shop. We help you turn the car you drive back into the car you love!

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Most of the vehicles get damaged just because of maintenance neglect you take
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The Funds Coordination Unit (FCU) was set up in the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED) as the Principal Recipient (PR) to handle day-to-day oversight duties as they relate to the implementation of the Global Fund Grants.
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (GFATM) is an international partnership that provides free grants to lower-income countries with high disease burdens such as Uganda. Specifically, it focuses on the prevention and control of the three diseases HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis.
Implementation is handled by the Ministry of Health. The overall objective of the Funds Coordination Unit is to support the Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development to ensure effective and efficient operation of the interventions supported by the Global Fund resources. The FCU functions are vested in Public Financial Management (PFM) Reforms Coordination Unit (RCU).
MOPED is the Principal Recipient for the Public Sector grants under the Implementation Arrangements for the Global Fund Grants to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria.
The Global Fund Grants are approved in line with Country Led Systems that is: National Development Plan III(NDPIII), The respective National Strategic Plans for the Specific Diseases(HIV/TB/MAL)under Ministry of Health, The Sustainable Development Goals, and the “Global Fund Strategy 2017-2022, investing to End Epidemic.

Professional Services

Preventative Maintenance

Most of the vehicles get damaged just because of maintenance neglect. If you take care of your.

Brake Repair & Services

Most of the vehicles get damaged just because of maintenance neglect. If you take care of your.

Steering & Suspension

Most of the vehicles get damaged just because of maintenance neglect. If you take care of your.

Uganda Global Fund Grants (Jan 2021 -Dec 2023)








Covid-19 RM

Our Mechanics

 Robert Alexander

Robert Alexander

Lead Painter

Year Of ecperience19

Project Done150

 Michel Andarson

Michel Andarson

Lead Painter

Year Of ecperience19

Project Done150

 Jr. Adam Smith

Jr. Adam Smith

Lead Painter

Year Of ecperience19

Project Done150

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5. How can I measure temperature in hyundai accent 2010, i have no temp gauge
A wonderful serenity taken possession into entire soul like to these sweet mornings of spring which thing of existence this spot which was the main part

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Funds Coordination Unit of the Global Fund Grants